You might be a Mermaid if…

Had so much fun making these little mermaid signs.  They are small 4″x4″ and about the size of a coaster.  They are mounted to an easel back for easy display standing upright.  I got the darling little mermaid from The Porkchop Show on Etsy.  So she is 3D and sits a little above the background.  The background is one of my paintings and the colors turned out quite vibrant!

Beautiful Handmade Polymer Beads

Have a look at these gorgeous beads made by my very talented cousin, Janice!!!  They are exquisite and each one is unique and interesting.  She was kind enough to make them for me to use with my next set of mini art panels.  I am going to pair the beads with my images and see which look like they belong together.  I am so grateful as she sent me a bunch.  She makes many beautiful things like ornaments and cake toppers.  Look for them soon in my next set of Artful Box panels.

*Update- See Janice’s beads in action on my new art panels .

Hopelink Calendar

Here is my illustration that was used in the 2014 calendar for Hopelink.  They do a wonderful job of helping those in need,in my community and “offer an integrated array of programs that enable families in crisis to make progress toward and achieve self-sufficiency”  I was very thrilled to be included in such a beautiful calendar for such an important organization. Can you guess what month it was?  If you said September, you’d be right!  The beautiful little girl is my niece.

No act of kindness
however small
is ever wasted.


Some Time to Play

Finally some time to put the pieces together.  I love making each of the elements in a collage and then arranging them all for a final layout.  These little squares will go on small birch panels.

Weather Patterns


Happy that I got to do some art today!!  Here near Seattle, we have had some serious rain even by our standards.  It’s been a rainy, drizzly spring.  Today I made collage paintings inspired by the science of weather and the hope of sunny days to come.

May Day

Yesterday my kids and I were greeted with a lovely sight.  There was a scattering of  tiny white flowers that went up our driveway and to our stairs.  On each step was a flower bud.  We felt like we were following some sort of magical breadcrumb path.  On our door, tucked into the brass knocker was this beautiful little garden bouquet.  My daughter noticed that there was a tiny “A”nestled in the bouquet.  “A” was leaving a surprise?  No one in my family has an “A” name.  A charming mystery-  To be continued…