Christmas Tree Stickers and Labels

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Okay, I admit it.  This year I bought my Christmas cards from Costco.  There just wasn’t time for the homemade card creation and I had to go with the quick and cheap route.  Although the cards turned out great- I really hate that expanse of plain white on the mailing envelopes.  When you go the the mailbox, you know before you open it that it’s a Christmas card from Costco.  So this year, I decided to jazz up my envelopes with colorful stickers made by me.  My color laser is out of ink so I had to get creative.  I found a great clip art tree silhouette and typed in pretty words using a font I purchased at Creative Market.  Then I printed out a sheet of them on full sheet sticker paper.  To add a pop of color I painted a wash of green Dr Ph Martin india ink around the tree, not caring if there were little bits of white still showing.  The ink is great because it is waterproof and will not run if the mail person is caught in a downpour.  After they were completely dry, I punched them out with a paper punch (which was a little tricky) and stuck them to my envelopes. Voilà! Customized, colorful stickers that will make even Santa take note.


My daughter has introduced me to the joys of Zentangle!  Once you get started, you can’t stop.   The supplies are simple, markers and paper and a fine tipped Sharpie.  Kind of like meditation only you end up with something fun.

Hopelink Calendar

Here is my illustration that was used in the 2014 calendar for Hopelink.  They do a wonderful job of helping those in need,in my community and “offer an integrated array of programs that enable families in crisis to make progress toward and achieve self-sufficiency”  I was very thrilled to be included in such a beautiful calendar for such an important organization. Can you guess what month it was?  If you said September, you’d be right!  The beautiful little girl is my niece.

No act of kindness
however small
is ever wasted.



“Is it time for a treat?”

I was inspired to make this art piece about a delightful boston terrier named Tyson who comes to my work.  He is a smart, funny little dog that loves to great visitors and help his mom at work.  He is so well behaved and friendly that he makes everyone’s day more fun.
The little blue flower is a 3D resin dahlia cabochon. 

I started by taking a picture of Tyson.  This was not easy to do since he doesn’t stop moving.  After painting a background and printing out my piece- I coated it with a layer of Triple Thick for a hard, glossy look.  I mounted it on a backsplash tile with a slight metallic finish to give the edge some bling.  I found these cool easel backs that allow you to hang the work or let it stand like a photo frame.  The final size is 4″x4″.  I added a Pickadoo Design sticker and packaged it up in a cello bag then it was ready to give.

Illustration Friday – Hoard

I really enjoyed this week’s topic. A crow was the first thing to come to my mind. I love watching them in the backyard- they are so smart and cautious. We throw them peanuts and watch them fight it out with the Blue Jays…

For this image I scanned in a sketch and then colored it in Photoshop. I used an old collage for the background and I was trying to give it the feeling of twilight.