Paper art on a snowy day

When we got the call that school was closed for the day due to 6 inches of new snow, I must admit I was relieved. At last an excuse to hide away from our schedule and just concentrate on some forgotten projects that were calling my name….

“Art Totem” All of my lovelies mounted on a paint stir stick and able to hang vertically.
This little finch started off as a digital file. I outlined a photo of a Spice Finch and then added one of my collage paintings underneath.
These pink waterlilies are not glued to their backgrounds yet as I’m not sure what I want to do with them.
Colorful images of birds, hearts, and paper fairies.
Here is the original waterlily. I found a photo that I liked and drew the lines on top. The coloring came from the photo so I could combine the realism of a photo with the line treatment of an illustration.
My lovely Muse sits atop a chipboard collage. She seems to like hovering there, don’t you think? I love figuring out which pieces should get glued together.
With all my extra Art Angels floating around, it’s fun to make some gift tags. Once I string some bakers twine through the holes, they will be all set to go with a present.

Weather Patterns


Happy that I got to do some art today!!  Here near Seattle, we have had some serious rain even by our standards.  It’s been a rainy, drizzly spring.  Today I made collage paintings inspired by the science of weather and the hope of sunny days to come.