My Muse

Her smile is enigmatic. Sometimes she looks wistful. Sometimes she looks annoyed. Sometimes she looks amused and other times quite serious. I love her mouth, pink cheeks and big eyes. She lives in my creations and she is my Mona Lisa.

Paperclay Art Angel ornaments


Art angel ornaments

Handmade angel ornaments made from paper clay. They look like cookies!  I rolled out the paper clay and laid my printed angels out on top.  Using a knife, I cut around the images leaving a little border.  I didn’t realize that the clay shrinks as it dries so next time I will leave more room.  Luckily I remembered to poke some holes for the wires beforehand too.  It took a long time for the clay to harden up, over a week.  Then I painted the dried clay with permanent ink so they would be colorful.  Glued on my images with mat medium and coated with matte medium and matte varnish for a finished look.  Then came the wires and sweet little glass pearl beads.


colorful ornaments